A list of students projects that I have supervised.
- Dimitrios Makris, Central Invariants and Deformation of Bihamiltonian Hierarchies, second year master project, UB, 2022-23.
- Alyoscha Jans, Poisson Structure on the Dual of a Lie Algebra, first year master project, UB, 2022-23.
- Ishan Singh, Cohomological Field Theory and Givental's formalism, second year master project, UB, 2021-22.
- Azam Jahandideh, On formal integrability of scalar evolutionary type hierarchies, second year master project, UB, 2019-20.
- Caio Licinio Vasconcelos Pantarotto, On HKR Theorem and star products, second year master project, UB, 2019-20.
- Albin James, Frobenius Structure on Hurwitz Spaces, second year master project, UB, 2018-19.
- Chaabane Rejeb, Coxeter groups and Frobenius manifolds, second year master project, UB, 2018-19.
- Arthur Timmer, The inverse scattering transform, double bachelor project mathematics - physics, UvA, 2017. Supervisor of the physics part: Rudolf Sprik
- Hugo Sauerbier Couvée, A concise introduction to geometry of quantum field theories, double bachelor project mathematics - physics, UvA, 2017. Supervisor of the physics part: Erik Verlinde
- Koen van Duin, The Virasoro algebra of additional symmetries of the KdV hierarchy, third year bachelor project, UvA, 2016.
- Bastiaan Cnossen, Serge Hartog, Fermion-boson correspondence, second year bachelor project, UvA, 2016.
- Luuk de Gruijter, Bi-Hamiltonian systems, third year bachelor project, UvA, 2013.