My recent teaching at the Université de Bourgogne (uB).
- Differential Equations in the Complex Domain, CM, Master 1 in Mathematical Physics, uB, Fall 2024.
- Riemann surfaces and integrable systems, CM, Master 2 in Mathematical Physics, uB, Fall 2024.
- Mathématiques pour la Physique et la Chimie I - A, MaPC1A, CM, uB, Fall 2024.
- Mathematical Methods for Classical Mechanics, CM, Master 1 in Mathematical Physics, uB, Spring 2024.
- Mathématiques pour la Physique et la Chimie IV - A, MaPC4A, CM, uB, Spring 2024.
- Analyse 2, M1, TD, uB, Spring 2024.
- Statistiques pour la Psychologie, TD, uB, Spring 2024.
- Riemann surfaces and integrable systems, CM, Master 2 in Mathematical Physics, uB, Fall 2023.
- Mathématiques pour la Physique et la Chimie I - A, MaPC1A, CM, uB, Fall 2023.
- Mathematical Methods for Classical Mechanics, CM, Master 1 in Mathematical Physics, uB, Spring 2023.
- MaPC4A, CM, uB, Spring 2023.
- Analyse 2, M1, TD, uB, Spring 2023.
- Statistiques pour la Psychologie, TD, uB, Spring 2023.
- Riemann surfaces and integrable systems, CM, Master 2 in Mathematical Physics, uB, Fall 2022.
- MaPC1A, CM, uB, Fall 2022.
- Mathematical Methods for Classical Mechanics, CM, Master 1 in Mathematical Physics, uB, Spring 2022.
- MaPC4A, CM, uB, Spring 2022.
- Analyse 2, M1, TD, uB, Spring 2022.
- Statistiques pour la Sociologie, L1, TD, uB, Spring 2022.
- Riemann surfaces and integrable systems, CM, Master 2 in Mathematical Physics, uB, Fall 2021.
- MaPC1A, CM, uB, Fall 2021.
- Mathematical Methods for Classical Mechanics, second part, CM, Master 1 in Mathematical Physics, uB, Spring 2021.
- MaPC4A, CM, uB, Spring 2021.
- MaIE2A, TD, uB, Spring 2021.
- Analyse 2, M1, TD, uB, Spring 2021.
- Statistiques pour la Sociologie, L1, TD, uB, Spring 2021.
- Riemann surfaces and integrable systems, CM, Master 2 in Mathematical Physics, uB, Fall 2020.
- MaPC1A, CM, uB, Fall 2020.
- MaPC4A, CM, uB, Spring 2020.
- MaIE2A, CM + TD, uB, Spring 2020.
- Analyse 2, M1, TD, uB, Spring 2020.
- Statistiques pour la Sociologie, L1, TD, uB, Spring 2020.
- Riemann surfaces and integrable systems, CM, Master 2 in Mathematical Physics, uB, Fall 2019.
- MaPC1A, CM, uB, Fall 2019.
- MaPC4A, CM, uB, Spring 2019.
- MaIE2A, CM + TD, uB, Spring 2019.
- Analyse 2, M1, TD, uB, Spring 2019.
- Statistiques pour la Sociologie, L1, TD, uB, Spring 2019.
- MaPC1A, CM, uB, Fall 2018.
- Riemann surfaces and integrable systems, CM, Master 2 in Mathematical Physics, uB, Fall 2018.
- MaIE2A, CM + TD, uB, Spring 2018.
- Analyse 2, M1, TD, uB, Spring 2018.
- Statistiques pour la Sociologie, L1, TD, uB, Spring 2018.
- Riemann surfaces and integrable systems, CM, Master 2 in Mathematical Physics, uB, Fall 2017.
- MaIE1A, TD, uB, Fall 2017.
CM means I organise and teach the main course, TD means I am in charge of an exercises class.
I taught the following courses at the Amsterdam University College (AUC) and University of Amsterdam (UvA):